Thursday 5 May 2016

The winding roads that unwound our tangled relation!

kerala tour packages

We planned on a sojourn trip through the hills and valleys of Kerala at a time we both badly needed a break. We both were working in different IT MNCs and were on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of the unrealistic work pressure and a 2-year marriage which was on the verge of a breakdown! We both rarely got to spend some time with each other in peace. Either I was busy in the kitchen or he was busy with his friends. One of my cousins we met often noticed this growing crack in our relation and suggested we take a break and go on Kerala tour packages for loosening the tensions. She was older to me by 4 years and has always treated like her sister. She was very close to both of us and was sure that a small break from this work in a calm and picturesque place would definitely bring back the honeymoon magic and get us back on track together!

kerala tourism packages

 Though we both also did not want to create an issue in our family, we really found it difficult managing the stress. My cousin had suggested and forces us to book a week at Munnar with Ayurvedic massages that would reduce our stress during our Kerala tourism packages with economical rates. We agreed and booked as we both trusted and respected her a lot. Unlike the other couples who would be all happy and excited about a tour package to Kerala, we were not too sure where it would take our lives.

kerala holiday packages

It was now or never that we would kick out all the misunderstandings and egos and start a beautiful life together. She suggested Kerala as she had once been on Kerala tour packages from Delhi when she was settled there a few years back and found the place very relaxing.

kerala packages

Ours was a typical arranged marriage and since he was abroad on a prestigious project, we hardly met or spoke to each other before our marriage. I had just joined as a fresher in a good IT company and was quite busy with my career then. So at that point of time, we never felt the gap or the need to spend more time getting to know each other. We were both born and brought up under different circumstances and found it a little difficult to adjust to each other’s habits and expectations from the early days of our marriage.

kerala honeymoon packages

 Soon after our wedding, my husband had to quit his job and look for another because of professional rivalry and office politics. Because of his qualification and experience, he managed to get a very good job which was much better than the previous one. But this job change came with more responsibilities and the need to prove his metal in his new office. Probably that added to his frustrations and without anyone to guide us through these initial hiccups of life, things got worse day by day. Our Kerala packages with full length option were meant to get us away from work and closer to each other so that we get enough time to understand each other and get back to a happy married life.

Reaching Munnar

honeymoon packages

Our Kerala holiday packages started with landing in Kochi International Airport and from there we were taken on a cab to Munnar by road. Though we missed some of the initial charms of the landscapes on the way, soon we were both looking out of our window, mesmerized by the waterfalls and streams that were on the way. The winding roads uphill unveiled tonnes of fresh air that our driver made sure we inhaled enough by switching down the car’s air conditioner and making us bring the window glasses down! That really made the trick.

honeymoon packages in kerala

We were soon asking each other to check out the sights on both sides and enjoying every bit of it. It was as if we were on our Kerala honeymoon packages in the winter season as the driver had initially thought. By the time we reached our beautiful resort amidst the tea estate, the ice between us had already started to melt. We checked into our stunning honeymoon resort and decided to order the lunch in the room. Before we started our trip, my cousin had already spoken to each of us separately and made us understood the mistakes we both were making. We both were equally responsible for our current mess up and had to try to mend it during these days. It started with switching off the mobiles and staying close to each other no matter what!

kerala tour

We actually felt so good being able to enjoy the greenery and scenery around without being disturbed by Whatsapp and social media messages.  What a great way to enjoy Kerala tour packages from Mumbai!

The tea estates of Munnar

kerala trip

Munnar was our first destination and the most beautiful one too on our entire Kerala trip. Did I mention, it was monsoon time when we made our trip? That probably was the best decision ever and I appreciated my husband for insisting on making this trip during this time of the year. As we were staying in the middle of a tea estate, we enjoyed the morning walk together without an umbrella. We enjoyed the drizzles that made the morning weather quite chilling and he couldn’t stop laughing out seeing me struggle in my cotton salwar kameez!

kerala travel

The first thing we did after our breakfast was to buy a decent jacket so that I would survive the Kerala tour without getting frozen!  It was a private estate where not many people visited except for some foreign tourists and another couple on honeymoon packages in Kerala. We were soon sharing our college stories and found many things common between us. Another 2 days in Munnar took us to a couple of popular tourist destinations though we spent more time together talking and understanding each other in our resort and the tea estate.

Leaving Munnar and reaching Thekkadi

kerala trips

Thekkadi was more about forests and wildlife than a hill station. But the climate was as cool as Munnar because of the tropical forests. We enjoyed a jungle safari in Thekkadi for the first time in our life during this Kerala tours. It was fabulous! By this time, we became better friends and were slowing trying to understand each other. What we should have done during our engagement days, we were doing now, after 2 years of being married and on the verge of separation. But that was long over now. We felt quite silly that all it took to melt the ice between us was a few days of quality time spent with each other!!! We called up our cousin and thanked her a lot for forcing us to book this particular Kerala travel package. We stayed overnight at Thekkadi and really enjoyed the food served at the resort.

 Wayanad and the most surprising Chembra Peak

kerala trips

Our next destination was Wayanad which was a very calm and quiet place and was equally beautiful as Munnar. We stayed in a resort which was near a couple of coffee and spice plantations. It took us almost 7 hours to reach Wayanad from Thekkadi and we were quite tired after the travel through city roads and traffic. We were booked on a tree house resort which was usually booked for honeymoon packages with exclusive options regularly. We requested the restaurant manager for room delivery of dinner which we thoroughly enjoyed and slept off within a while. The next day morning we were woken up by the cuckoos and some other birds that were quite curious that we two humans were sleeping away merrily even when the sun was shining up and bright! Our cab driver took us for a trek which he said was the best place for honeymoon couples and that got us quite excited. He stopped the car somewhere and guided us through the forest and hills to reach Chembra Peak which was one of the most popular destinations in Wayanad. Halfway through the trek, we reached a place where there was a beautiful lake amidst a lot of greenery.

kerala trip packages

It was in the shape of the heart and was called a love-lake. We just stood there for a moment and kissed each other and promised that we will never ever fight over silly things. We had found our love in each other and had decided to keep it alive by foregoing our egos and frustrations. We came on the verge of a separation and left as two happy souls very much in love. That’s the magic Kerala’s beautiful hills and valleys did to us. We enjoyed a couple of days in Wayanad as true honeymoon couples completely in love with each other. Before we went back to Mumbai, we bought a beautiful wooden Murthi of Radha and Krishna which we kept in our bedroom to stay in love forever. We also bought a beautiful Mural painting to gift my cousin who helped our relation revive and took her out for a dinner the next weekend. She was very happy to see us happy together.

kerala tourism

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